1 Mayıs 2016 Pazar


What are penguins?

Penguins are flightless birds that live in the southern hemisphere. The largest living species is the Emperor Penguins. Not all penguins live in cold climate. So much of the penguins are found in the temperature zone. Not all penguins are black on the outside, in fact most of them are born with a brown outside. We need to take care of them before we lose them, we might lose them because of global warming.  

Effects of Climate Change

 Climate change is a growing concern for penguins that live in Antarctica—the emperor penguin and the Adelie penguin. These species depend on sea ice for access to food and for places to breed. But the sea ice has been disappearing, and penguin populations along with it. A 2008 WWF study estimated that 50% of the emperor penguins and 75% of the Adelie penguins will likely decline or disappear if global average temperatures rise above pre-industrial levels by just 2 degrees C—a scenario that could be reached in less than 40 years.

“From polar bears in the Arctic to penguins in Antarctic, climate change is having a devastating impact on animals around the world.”
Dr. Sybille Klenzendorf WWF’s Managing Director of Species Conservation

 The Antarctic continent is warming up because of this rapid warming, sea ice along the Antarctic Peninsula is shrinking in size and the sea-ice season is becoming shorter. The loss of the sea ice is harming the penguin chicks and adults as adult penguins rear their chicks on sea ice when the sea ice breaks up before their chicks have matured, chicks that are swept in to the ocean are likely to die. Ocean warming and sea ice loss are also linked to the decline of the penguins’ major food source; Antarctic krill. The krill in the Antarctic region have declined as much as 80% since 1970s.    

How can we Protect Penguins from extinction?

We can find a new home for penguins. Penguins are becoming extinct because they have no place that can offer them a home so finding a new place is important. We can find new places that have rich resources and food that can provide for penguins. Then we can offer artificial security care to care for penguins and make a new place where no external factors will cause penguins to die. Another thing we also can do is to take care of young penguins during the time when the penguins don't have a good immunity against high temperature.

We should ban some artificial activity which pushes penguins to die. These kinds of artificial activity also have a big effect to push penguins to die. Therefore we should ban people from doing commercial fishing, harvesting and hunting.

We have to find some solution to prevent and reduce global warming to stop global warming from pushing penguins to die. People can study new energy resources for reducing use of fossil fuel. Another easy thing we can do is we have to reuse and recycle, not to use any product for just one time, and people have to plant a number of trees because trees can reduce the CO2. These things can help us to prevent global warming. 


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