30 Nisan 2016 Cumartesi




Most seals live where there is plenty of salt water. They love to dive deeply into the water in order to find the best selection of fish. They tend to live in environments where they won’t be disturbed by humans or by predators. They enjoy land that has rocks and that is close to the water. They don’t move fast or easily on land so being able to get from the land to the water without using very much energy is important.

Seals are carnivores that feed mostly on fish and crustaceans. They are very opportunistic hunters and mostly consume food in massive quantities. Harp seals usually feed on a variety of fish and other invertebrates.                                                                                                                

Seals spend much of their life in water, but they mate, give birth to babies and take care of them on the shore.
Thick fur and blubber offer protection against freezing temperatures.
When they are on the land, they live in huge colonies with over thousand seals.
Seal produce milk with 50% fats. Their babies gain 3-5 pounds daily thanks to milk.
Seals have more blood in their body than other animals. Since blood cells keep the oxygen, seal can dive longer than other animals.
Seal can hold its breath for 2 hours which is a record in the animal world.
When they dive, they decrease the heart rate for 50-80%. Elephant seal will decrease number of heart beats from 112 to 20-50 during diving.
They can dive up to 1000-1300 feet deep when they are searching for food.
They eat squids and fish usually.
Seals have whiskers that help them detect the vibration of the prey under water.
                                           THREATS FOR SEALS
Around 150 years ago, there was about 9.5 million seals in the Arctic. Today, there is around 3 million. Humans are the main threat to the seals. The seals are being killed in vast numbers because the fishermen claim the seals are “depleting” the fish stock. Pups are also being killed because of their white fur. The fur would then be sold and made into fur coats. Boat strikes, oil spills, harassment by humans, and shooting are also other major threats to Harp Seals. Climate changes and over fishing are two another big problems for seals.


A) For each statement say it is true or false

1.Seals live salty water.                                                     T      F
2.They don't enjoy rocky lands.                                         T      F
3.They like eating fish.                                                       T      F
4.They can dive up to 2000-2300 feet deep.                      T     F
5.Seals have more blood in their body than other animals   T      F

B)Fill in the blanks

1.Seals like eating f.............

     2.They don’t  m........... fast or easily on land

     3.Seals are c.......... that feed mostly on fish
    4. Climate changes and o........ f......... are big problems for seals.


                                 POLAR BEAR

Where do polar bears live?

      Polar bears can only survive in areas where the oceans freeze, allowing them to hunt seals living under, on, or in the frozen polar ice cap.  Polar bears live in Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland and some northern islands owned by Norway.

Temperatures in the Arctic

Polar bears have to  endure in the winter can range from  -40°C to -90°C. Polar bears have to be able to handle 100° difference in temperature between the  seasons.


Polar bears are at the top of the food chain and have an important role in the overall health of the marine environment

     A polar bear's fur is not white!!  It is hollow. The fur reflects light.The hollow fur also traps the suns heat to help keep the polar bear warm.



Rising temperatures in the world’s oceans are causing sea ice to disappear for longer and longer periods during the late summer, leaving polar bears insufficient time to hunt. This is a worldwide problem.

If we don’t change our behaviour, polar bears won`t have many

 more years to survive because of global warming.


 Harmful chemicals that man is releasing into the environment. Man made pollution is a cause of death for polar bears.

                               WHAT CAN WE DO?

  Reduce greenhouse gas emission !

  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

  Encourage Others to Conserve!



1. Polar bears can  survive in hot places .___________

2.Their fur is white.____________

3.Global warming affects polar bear negatively.________

4.We can save polar bears if we reduce to use of energy._______

Answer these questions below

1.Do you think polar bears are important? 

2.What can we do to reduce the negative effects of global warming?


 Find an animal in danger of extinction,tell your opinion how to ptotect them. Present it in front of the class.